Team Hiebing

Whatever we do, we’re all in

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Vice President of Brand Development/Partner

As a self-professed gearhead, Paul loves to roll up his sleeves to understand how things work and how to maximize potential. Whether he’s on a track or in a boardroom, his aptitude for performing diagnostics, delivering proof of concept and optimizing performance instills trust in our clients because they can rest assured Paul is in it to win it. Paul also spent over a decade working in brand management at Kimberly-Clark and Kraft Foods and pioneering the first-ever U.S. marketing practice for Finnish-based Fiskars Group.

Paul appreciates the responsibilities that marketers bear because he’s walked in those shoes, which is why Paul doesn’t just aspire to create marketing campaigns, he strives to produce comprehensive business solutions. His worldly perspective and reductive problem-solving skills have helped Schneider become the global leader in transportation logistics, driven consistency across Church Mutual Insurance’s portfolio and positioned Ascentis as the preeminent human capital SaaS provider after a corporate merger. As much as Paul loves to synthesize complex matter into actionable ideas, knowing that his clients are succeeding is where the rubber meets the road.

After graduating from St. Olaf College, Paul received his MBA from the University of Minnesota and now has his sights set on qualifying for the IMSA SportsCar Championship at Road America with his modified racecar—one day. Paul serves as the vice president of the board for Big City Mountaineers, helping to improve the lives of under-resourced youth.

Two Truths and a Lie:

  1. Has restored a 1954 Alfa Romeo 2000 Sportiva
  2. Speaks German despite his Greek parentage
  3. Backpacked solo across Isle Royale National Park